Transform Your Pet’s
Alerting Behaviors Class

With Your Guide… Sandy Rakowitz

What are Alerting Behaviors?

Animals will alert you to something that is not right in the environment. Sounds simple. But what method do you use to truly transform these frustrating behaviors?

Your animals behave in ways to get your attention, or “Alert You,’ to something happening all the time. They are trying to tell you something, or alert you, in their language, about something occurring. It’s like they’re saying, “Hey! Something is up, I’m alerting you to this, pay attention to this.” They’re trying their best to get your attention.

When people don’t understand this purpose, the underlying intention, they often get annoyed.

The more you don’t listen, the more the animal will continue alerting.

Common Examples: 

  • A Dog Barking at someone walking outside, or someone knocking on the door.

  • A Cat may bite you or swipe as you walk by, or more subtly, flick their tail and walk away.

  • A Horse might shy or bolt at something unseen, refuse to go into the trailer, or turn around to bite you when tightening up the girth.

How can Animal Communication help?

You will gain profound insights with new perspectives into common behaviors. You will get exercises and ways to communicate with your animals that can have deeply healing effects for you both.

In easy-to-understand terms, you are lead into a new world of deepening your understanding together with your animals.

People and animals are all conscious beings. We each have the capacity to communicate with one another with more than words.

Everyone, people as well as animals, communicates by exchanging information all the time through their eyes, facial expressions, body language, emotions, thoughts, energy, and even telepathically - even if you are not consciously aware of all the ways you exchange energy and communicate.

This exchange of energy and information is automatic all the time with every thought, feeling and action. This class brings awareness into the underlying reasons for alerting behaviors and what to do.

You are given KEYS to enhancing the connection and bond between you and your animals.

The Alerting Behaviors Class Includes…

  • Comprehensive Alterting Behaviors Guidebook PDF Download

  • 58 Minute MP3 Audio Guide

  • Core Guided Meditation for you and your animals

    All for just $18!

If you would like to go beyond the ‘yelling method’ that is fraught with frustration for you both…. 

or to go beyond treating and positive reinforcement,
or just wishing those behaviors would go away…
….Get this class!

A Note From Sandy…

Animals show us our capacity for Love. As a teenager Sandy found an unspoken rapport and trust of intuitive knowing and connection with the essence of horses.  

The unspoken language of trust, rapport and partnership was a magic haven.  Their intuitive connections and tenderness together were honored and revered. 

Animals open us through our hearts. 

It all begins with Source and your Soul’s deepest desires. 

As a loving guide and visionary, she helps people uncover their true wisdom and essence of expression.

Work Together with Sandy Rakowitz for Connection and Soul Freedom Beyond your Wildest Dreams.