Work with Sandy in Private 1:1 Sessions

For Pathways to Express & Manifest Your Soul’s Highest Calling
💫For you, your animals, business, & life

Sessions can include animal communication, Akashic Records Reading & Healing, Tellington TTouch, Energy Healing. You can request a modality, or just come with the issue at hand and let the Akashic Masters decide what is most needed from your soul’s perspective.

Private Session OPTIONS —

  • Empowering Private Package - 3 months —
    - Best for in-depth and lasting transformation. For your personal development, for your business, or for you and your animals.
    - Health related issues that need energy healing and a spiritual perspective.
    - For you if you want to develop your intuitive, healing and communication skills with animals.
    -Focus your business, clear blocks that keep your business held back, and connect with the soul of your business to learn what your business is asking of you to bring forward.

    - For those seeking a deeper spiritual connection and feel like something is missing.

    - Whatever you are needing, we will create a robust plan to cultivate your gifts and strengths, clear old patterns that have been constricting and limiting your forward movement.
    Included in the Premium Private 3 month Package:
    Weekly one hour private 1:1 sessions
    - Email support in between sessions

    - Activate Heart and Soul Guided Journey

    - Guided meditation you can use daily

    - Chakra opening exercises to clear blocks, activate your gifts
    -Additional Resources as needed
    Click Here for one payment pricing and to get started with your Premium Private Package

    Monthly Empowerment payment plan available, please ask

  • Have questions? Click to Email Sandy

Work Together - Discover Empowering Pathways to
Express & Manifest Your Soul’s Highest Calling
For you, your animals, business, & life

Lisa, Course Hero, California

“I Highly recommend this class with Sandy; it felt gentle, safe, empowering, introspective, and really helpful. I feel like it clarified some things about myself and helped me be more proud to be me. Super necessary at this moment. Sandy is lovely, I like her vibe, experience, her way with words, and how she authentically connects with each person.”

 Beth Glass, Ohio

“My life is better, so much better, with you, Sandy Rakowitz in it!   That is absolutely CLEAR!  You help me keep my life focused and moving forward.  You prod ever so gently.  Through our work together, I have changed.   I have grown.    

I have moved forward in ways I would not have expected 10, 20, 30 years ago.   You help me to see myself through changed eyes.   

 I have no problem seeing my weaknesses.   You have helped me to find my strength when it has felt lost, to see the beauty of my path when my vision felt dimmed, and to recognize the truth — the sincere, gentle and powerful truth — of my passion.   Thank you

During an emergency with my dog, I used my tools learned from our class for myself. I stopped my panic. I felt my emotions. I made decisions differently. I will Forever handle things differently.
— Emily, Ohio
I am creating boundaries in a new way since working with Sandy.

Normally I absorb too much from others. While talking with my ex, I had boundaries in a way that was new, and has not been normal for me. I was not overly connected. It was very calming.
— Lynn, Maryland
I’ve always said I was an ‘Accidental Intuitive.’ I am feeling it easier and easier to tap into my knowing and feel Competent since starting the Multidimensional Program with Sandy.

I am talking with people and sharing again. I am getting positive feedback vs being invisible.
— ~ Alicia, Virginia
I feel like I have come back to myself.

This wonderful Animal Communication Intensive has brought new life to my spiritual path. It’s was AWESOME!”
— Anne, Florida
Thank you SO MUCH for the Akashic Reading. So interesting and right on target!

You are a gifted, compassionate, perceptive spiritual healer and counselor. You have the ability to connect easily in a relaxed and friendly manner.

The reading was accurate and insightful with a heart-based approach that shines through. I highly recommend Sandy!
— Susan, New York
My year is off to a great start so far after working with Sandy! I booked my first client at my new rates last week. Thank you again for everything, Sandy! You have been a blessing in my life, and I’m forever grateful for your wisdom and guidance.
— ~ Doryan , Florida
For three years I had not been feeling motivated and have felt stuck in my business. In working with you, I feel such relief, like a weight has lifted off me. I now feel inspired, I have a plan with how and where to go from here, with purpose and direction.
— Cathy, Pennsylvania
Sandy opened my eyes and heart into viewing “things differently” in our world. Through her, I have learned how to understand my dogs in a way that I never thought possible. I have more understanding, therefore more patience for our most loving companions. It has definitely made me a better person and I believe a better trainer.
— Ellen, Florida
This Akashic reading was one of the highlights of my life! This was spectacular and incredible. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. This gives me a piece of peace.”
— Kris, Colorado
I’m having huge breakthroughs since working with Sandy.
Since the death of my husband less than a year ago, I am not debilitated with grief anymore.

I have a new depth and clarity to my understanding of issues I’ve struggled with for decades.

I have new, powerful tools for resolving these once damaging issues, and freeing myself to move forward in my life.

I am able to speak and find my voice in new ways. I can speak my truth without fear.

I’m having positive conversations I’ve not been able to have before.

I have worked through many issues with money.

I am hearing spiritual beings again. It’s been years.

I am getting amazing feedback about how I seem to people who’ve known me a long time.

I am going in the direction I want now.

Skilled, knowing, non judgmental, compassionate, heart centered, at home in this sacred healing dimension, Sandy is all this and more. I am blessed to work with her. She’s an Angel here to guide and support us through these uncharted times.
— Penny, TN
This reading just changed my life, and my history!
— Deckllan, Texas
With her healing expertise, Sandy compassionately helped me address my money blind spots so I could live in a new, more positive and empowered way with money and my business. I now access the keys to healing with money in profound ways to include my creativity, spirituality and financial success.”
— ~Gale, Illinois
Ruby (the dog) continues to demonstrate improvement overall in her core stability. I’m incorporating the techniques you taught me for Ruby, and for my own settling, which have been helpful.

Ruby exhibits much more self control in challenging situations. My husband I are noticing that she has been more focused than ever. We’re all greatly encouraged as we can see progress weekly and as we discover the valuable resource we are lucky to have in you and the skills you bring to the Central Coast.”
— Bev, California
As a Veterinarian, I highly recommend working with Sandy. I am clearer on what I want. I now align with what I feel called to do. After a full career in Veterinary medicine, I am now living and working as I dreamed of as a child. Not only am I helping animals heal physically but also emotionally.

Sandy brings a depth of knowledge and leads you into listening to your soul’s purpose. I highly recommend this life transforming experience of working with her.
— Janet, Colorado

Kind Words about working together with Sandy Rakowitz