Calm Dogs Naturally™

An Empowering 5 week online course learning techniques to calm Sensitive Dogs
who Fear Thunderstorms, Fireworks & other Loud Noises

Learn tips, tools and skills to calm & soothe dogs (and you) naturally.
Practice proven methods that anyone can learn to enhance a sense of safety and confidence in your dogs with breakthrough strategies that can
quickly ease anxieties, stress and fears.

Many of the techniques you will learn in Calm Dogs Naturally resemble massage, but the intention and work differs as we are not manipulating the musculature in the same way as massage.

Much of the hands-on work you learn in Calm Dogs Naturally is drawn from Tellington TTouch.  This works with the nervous system to change physical, emotional and thought patterns at some of the deepest levels possible through gentle, non-habitual movement and helps to release fear and the memory of fear at the cellular level.

You will be walked through simple step-by-step techniques in the Calm Dogs Naturally Online Course:
~To reduce your dog’s anxiety and fears
~To learn with your dog in class 
~Frequency of use for optimal results
~Ways to recognize how your own state of mind & emotions effect your dog
~Best management tips for your pet and environment to help them feel calmer 
~Relaxing body work techniques to support your dog’s mental and physical state
~ Support for deep brain pattern shifts for deeper, longer lasting relaxation that also releases of trauma, pain and the memory of pain

Who is this course for?
~Those who are new to having a dog
~Anyone who has had dogs their whole life
~Vets, vet techs, dog trainers and other animal care professionals
~Anyone who has a dog that has shown fears with thunderstorms, fireworks, loud noises, or any kind of sensitivity

And, Calm Dogs Naturally Online Course is for anyone who wants to discover simple, effective, empathetic techniques and approaches to help your canine companion feel more comfortable about loud noises.

Who is this course Not for?
-Anyone who is not open to learning something new
-People not interested in learning a gentle hands-on approach
-Those who do not want to learn techniques they can use at home
-Anyone who does not want to deepen their relationship with their dog

~Is your dog shy, fearful or anxious with Fireworks, thunderstorms?
~Do you dread the times you know there’ll be fireworks? Or when a thunderstorm is coming?
~ Do you worry about your dog when you go out in case a storm happens?
~Do you wish you had something to help them when you know there’s scary stuff coming like fireworks, or a storm?
~Are you tired of not knowing how to help your dog calm down once scared?
~Do you have an elder dog whose fears have gotten worse as they’ve aged?

Have you tried everything you can find to help your dog?
...But nothing has worked yet to help them not be so scared?

Would you love to:
- Reduce anxiety & fears?
- Feel less worried when you go out?
- Support senior & special needs dogs to feel more comfortable and calm?
- Have specific tools, tips and techniques to address their stress - that work?
- Enhance your bond together as a team - even if you already feel really connected?

This course Calm Dogs Naturally can help!
The methods and techniques taught
are a unique, proven approach to helping animals transform fears to become calmer, more confident and courageous. 

Would you love to help your dog —
- Calm their entire nervous system, including the Vagus Nerves so your dogs (and you) come out of Fight, Flight, Freeze, and into Rest and Digest states more easily?
- Shift Neuroplasticity with brain wave patterns balancing with heart, mind and body coherence being enhanced?
- Have a more relaxed baseline state of being with more relaxed muscles?

- Where tensions releases, breathing slows down, digestion is enhanced, and thinking, focus and learning happens more readily?

- Where the bottom line is your dog gets more relaxed, is more comfortable in their body, feels safer and more confident?

About Sandy Rakowitz & Sensitive Dogs
Enjoy this course designed by experienced Practitioner Sandy Rakowitz to support your dog through the scary sounds of summer with fireworks and thunderstorms in a live class format. 

One of Sandy’s specialties has been working with highly sensitive, reactive and noise sensitive animals since 1989.

If your dog is one of the millions terrified by fireworks and thunderstorms then this course is an essential resource for you and your dog.

You will get essential advice, tips, step-by-step techniques and exercises to help keep your pets safe and overcome their fears with expert help & insights.

What’s included in the Calm Dogs Naturally Basic Course - $360

  • 5 weeks of live classes on Zoom (each class is about 2 hours)

  • You will get walked through in depth, step-by-step instructions

  • Time to practice techniques in class with your dogs

  • Plenty of time for questions, demonstrations and instruction

  • Recordings to download for ongoing learning and in case you miss a live class

    These powerful Bonuses are also included to inspire you and increase your learning time
    - You get access to the Bonuses as soon as you register
    Reesie the Dog Transforms Trauma - a heartwarming & inspiring story
    - Transform Alerting Behaviors Class
    - Guided Meditation for you and your animals - deep healing
    - Video Instruction for Ear TTouches to help fears, relaxation & digestive issues

You can Sign up for just the 5 week Basic Course and Bonuses for $360
- described above
Or, you add on the Empowering VIP Package for $1,111- described below

Empowering VIP Package Includes —
-Everything in the Basic Course PLUS —

-3 Private 1:1 Sessions to take you & your dog in-depth with customized sessions that can include animal communication, energy healing and all the resources needed to support your dog or other animals.
-Access to the Stress Busters Class Recording originally made for the Humane Society.  This class walks you through getting started with many helpful techniques while giving you an even deep understanding of the inner workings of your animals and extremely useful tips for you and your dogs.

Plus you get these added Bonuses in addition to the Basic Course & Bonuses
~Video Instruction for Simple Body Wraps for Calming, Fears & Loud Noises
~Essential Oils Guide for Calming Dogs Naturally
~Flower Essences Guide for Calming Dogs Naturally
~Anxiety Guide for Calming Dogs Naturally
~Tellington TTouch Instructional Guide for Calming Dogs Naturally

Both Courses are non-refundable due to the digital nature of content given upon registration, thank you.

Time — All classes will be held at 7-9 pm Eastern

Dates of the Basic Course
Class 1 - Thursday May 30
Class 2 - Monday June 10
Class 3 - Wednesday July 3
Class 4 - Thursday July 11
Class 5 - Thursday July 18

All Classes will be recorded and everyone registered will get the recordings.

You are strongly encouraged to attend all of the Live interactive classes so you can practice together, get feedback and ask questions as you practice.

Private sessions with the VIP package can be scheduled as soon as you register - through July 21.

What people are saying about taking Sandy’s Courses —

Lisa J. ~ Virginia

"Gracie did really well in that nasty storm last night! Amazing.  I picked up the essences and we did TTouch with them yesterday. She really seemed to love it, so we’ll keep doing that daily.  She seems to enjoy them. Especially helpful for vet visits." 
P.S. A note from Sandy: “Years later when Gracie came in for another issue, she had calmed and changed so much she seemed like a different dog, I barely recognized her she was so calm and relaxed. Lisa said this was normal for her now, even in bad storms.”

Genie M. - KY

"I am so thankful that I signed up for this course. I have been waiting for something like this. Having it offered online made taking this course possible.

Sandy is an inspiration and a terrific educator. She helps making healthy changes for our pets and ourselves possible. Not only did I learn to use TTouch, Essential Oils and Flower Essences, but I also learned more about myself.

I gained confidence, and acceptance of where my pets 'are' and working from their level of need instead of a predetermined goal.

Small steps became huge steps with changes. And, my relationships with my pets were enhanced. Thank you Sandy for providing your knowledge and skills for us so that we all have healthier and better relationships with our pets."

Tonya M. ~Virginia

“Lizzie has become a well-socialized, calm and responsive dog who no longer gets frenetic with new people, noises or situations.  Just months after we began working with Sandy, Lizzie passed her Canine Good Citizen Test!"

— Janet V., Colorado

“As a Veterinarian, I highly recommend working with Sandy. I am clearer on what I want. I now align with what I feel called to do. After a full career in Veterinary medicine, I am now living and working as I dreamed of as a child. Not only am I helping animals heal physically but also emotionally.

Sandy brings a depth of knowledge and leads you into listening to your soul’s purpose. I highly recommend this life transforming experience of working with her.”

Barbara Iwanaga, California, Animal Communicator, Dog Trainer, TTouch Practitioner

I Feel a Deeper Bond with my Dog, and with my Animal Clients

“Through this program I feel a deeper bond with my dog and with client’s animals.  With animal clients there are more non-verbal connections opened.  This is one of the beauties of this work.  Before taking this class, my dog would often focus on others when out walking.  Now she is listening and paying attention to me.  In training she is more receptive and willing.”

Hope O’Brien, Tennessee
“Appreciating you for your integrity, aliveness, and for the generosity and authenticity of your being for animals and people alike.” 

Emily J. Ohio
“During an emergency with my dog, I used my tools from our class. I will Forever handle things differently. I stopped my panic. I felt my emotions.  I made decisions differently.”

Ellen B. Dog Trainer, Florida
More understanding and Patience

Sandy opened my eyes and heart into viewing “things differently” in our world. Through her, I have learned how to understand my dogs in a way that I never thought possible. I have more understanding, therefore more patience for our most loving companions. It has definitely made me a better person and I believe a better trainer.

Behaving Amazingly Well, even Years Later!

“Since we worked together years ago, we are all doing surprisingly well.  Alvin is doing amazing.  He loves his TTouches and has become my heart dog as he seeks me every morning for some TTouch and then crawls into my heart.  Thank you for your help with him!!”

~ Pat M., Neonatal Intensive Care RN, Virginia

A note from Sandy about Pat and Alvin:  Pat had tried both traditional coercive and positive reinforcement training, using many varied techniques very diligently. She got very teary when talking about using some of the recommended coercive techniques.   At least one vet had recommended Alvin be euthanized. He was seen as not being trainable, not able to change, and was becoming increasingly dangerous.

Pat loved this dog.  She was distraught, frustrated and very upset upon their first visit with me as she had tried so many methods to no avail.  

Here’s a few of the issues Alvin presented initially – all of which have changed completely. Pat wrote: “Alvin is very anxious with other people in the house (my son, daughter and son and daughter in laws.   Alvin does not like to be touched or physically handled. He growled and went after our blind, elder dog. He is super shy, fearful, and not enjoying life.   

When on a trip, Alvin won’t potty on walks on the leash.  He goes as long as 12-14 hours.  Won’t eat or drink.  Can’t leave him home because there isn’t anyone he will go to while we are gone.  We have tried herbal treatment, acupuncture, animal communicator, animal behaviorist, medication, many training methods.  Briefly tried EFT.  I think we have exhausted all avenues to help solve this.”

Alvin is an example of a dog who wasn’t understood and who simply didn’t understand much about what was happening in his life, why his little (blind) ’brother’ acted the way he did or why people behaved the ways they did.  Pat believed in him, and now, he is a wonderful dog and they have become an awesome, fun-loving team!

Alvin made tremendous changes with TTouch, essential oils, flower essences and animal communication.

He became a well adjusted, comfortable, confident, bright dog who was just one of the pack!

Got questions? Click to email Sandy

Please note there are no refunds as digital material is sent once payment is received. Thank you. We look forward to supporting you and your dog(s).

Left to Right - Liza, Jetta, Mowgli the Cat, Sandy, Ibis the Horse and Harmony the dog in the background behind Ibis

Sandy Rakowitz with her Animals and Healing Retreat she taught

Sandy Rakowitz with her beloved Liza and Haley

Sandy Rakowitz with Haley a few months before she passed